Wittenoom, most known as “Australia’s Chernobyl,” still drew in a number of tourists despite the health risks that could come from exposure to asbestos.

Wittenoom’s Dark Past

Tourists from across the globe flock to the once-thriving community of Wittenoom to view the cite that was abandoned years ago after the asbestos mining took lives of an estimated 2,000 former residents. By 2006, Wittenoom was taken off from road maps, leaving only three properties still owned. Despite this, the asbestos mine still brings an influx of tourists curious to the abandoned state of the city. 

Photographer Documents Experience

German-based photographer Karoline Schaefer visited Wittenboom and posted it on her Instagram page with a caption of its history. Schaefer took pictures of the abandoned city but claimed that she didn’t risk going down to the mines. She says that she was aware of the health risks, but it did not deter her from going. She also added that there were still residing in the area who have lived there for a long time. Other thrill-seekers have since visited and posted pictures on their accounts as well. 

Still At Risk

Minister for Lands and Aboriginal Affairs Ben Wyatt, however, disapproves of the behaviour, stating that it isn’t worth risking one’s health for Instagram photos. He points out that the signs warning of danger is of utmost importance and must be taken seriously. Wyatt discourages tourists from visiting this place for safety concerns.

Read the full story here.

ALSO READ: Asbestos Poisoning in Montana Listed Among Worst Manmade Disasters in Recent History

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